Supporting every person
inside organizations,
since 1996.


We founded Crabiz in 1996. We grew in management consulting aspiring to offer real value and a sincere and human dialogue to companies. Today we are a group of 30 highly specialized professionals. We deal with management consulting, training and change management. Our consulting style is very practical: we are direct, operative and problem solving oriented. We work side by side with the client, sharing goals, measuring and communicating results in a transparent way. Always present, available and focused.



We believe that innovation can only spring from a healthy relationship between humanity and technology. Our services are grouped in two main areas of activity: The first one focuses on technology and its impact on business; the second one aims at facilitating the realization and the adoption of new organizational models.

Our Method

Our values affect what we do: not only the services we offer, but also our internal processes and the way we interact with the client. We are people, before being professionals, and we interact with people, before dealing with clients.

We put the client at the center of all of our work processes, without pre-made solutions: we work side by side with everybody, with the purpose of offering services based on actual necessities and agreed goals. In doing so, we aim at creating a direct relationship based on reciprocal trust.

We work
alongside you

We put the client at the center of all of our work processes, without pre-made solutions: we work side by side with everybody, with the purpose of offering services based on actual necessities and agreed goals. In doing so, we aim at creating a direct relationship based on reciprocal trust.

We adapt
with pragmatism

We believe in a practical approach to management consulting, because theory alone is not enough. We carry this conviction throughout our activities: we use cutting edge technology and advanced solutions to help our clients reach their goals and we let our senior professionals free to experiment and follow their instincts.

We get you

What is the most important tool at our disposal? Listening. This is the only way to really understand the clients’ needs and find tailor made solutions. Rather than plotting the right path to follow, we accompany you to the finish line.

We want
to make a difference

We do not just deliver a service: our goal is to be change agents and provide an actual positive transformation in the organizations which engage us. We help you put people at the center, and we strive to get you closer to environmental and social sustainability.

We put passion in it

We are persons before being professionals. We put all of our curiosity and enthusiasm in the projects we are part of, searching for the necessary change and innovation in each and every job. We take pride in our efforts to spread a business culture based on positivity and on the full development of individuals.

We do not
waste time

This is no time to be complex: we offer timely and dynamic consulting that quickly displays its impact, also taking care of the smallest details. We make sure that nobody is left behind, so that everybody is involved in the change process.


Ilaria Polisino

"Punta sempre alla luna. Mal che vada atterrerai tra bellissime e luminose stelle."

Ilaria Polisino

Project Manager

Federico Ricci

"Non è mai alcuna cosa sì disperata che non vi sia qualche via da poter sperare."

Federico Ricci


Gianmarco Mari

“Senza ambizione non si inizia niente. Senza lavoro non si finisce niente. Il premio non ti sarà recapitato. Devi guadagnartelo.”

Gianmarco Mari

Service Manager, Data Analyst & PMO Support

Matilde Sapuppo

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

Matilde Sapuppo

Digital Marketing Specialist

Matteo Baldesi

"il più grande sbaglio nella vita è quello di aver sempre paura di sbagliare."

Matteo Baldesi

Data Analyst Consultant

Lorenzo Rattazzi

"Lavoro per dare un contributo a risolvere la complessità esponenziale del nostro mondo con buon pensiero e buon senso."

Lorenzo Rattazzi

Common Sense Dealer

Elena Vignoli

"I never lose. I either win or learn."

Elena Vignoli

Sustainability Project Manager

Francesco Calonaci

"Sii il cambiamento che vuoi vedere nel mondo."

Francesco Calonaci

Tester, Trainer, PM Support

Gherardo Magnini

"Per capire che il cielo è azzurro dappertutto non è necessario fare il giro del mondo."

Gherardo Magnini

Delivery Facilitator

Lorenzo Bracali

“Il successo è 10% talento e 90% lavoro duro, perseveranza e amore per ciò che si sta facendo.”

Lorenzo Bracali

Digital Transformation Director - Project Fixer

Martina Barducci

"We can't control the wind, but we can adjust the sails."

Martina Barducci

Project Manager & Business Coach

Matteo Bertoni

"Mi piace quando la tensione e l'energia si trasformano in idee."

Matteo Bertoni

Senior Consultant & Project Manager

Ronni Ravagli

"Quel che fa felici gli uomini è amare ciò che devono fare."

Ronni Ravagli

Project Manager

Rosalba La Marca

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

Rosalba La Marca

Project Manager

Sara Roggi

"La passione è lo stare dentro il fare, è il perchè lo stai facendo."

Sara Roggi

Organization Evolution Advisor

Victoria Casolo

"No one is too small to make a difference."

Victoria Casolo

Retail IT Project Manager & Business Partner

Vincenzo Ferrari

"C'è solo un tipo di successo: quello di fare della propria vita ciò che si desidera."

Vincenzo Ferrari

Consultant & General Planner

Andrea Toninelli

"Nessuno migliorerà la tua sorte se non lo farai tu stesso."

Andrea Toninelli

Continuous Improvement Consultant

Andrea Luchi

"Chi ha smesso di imparare ha smesso di vivere."

Andrea Luchi

Servant & Happiness Leader

Davide Zinanni

"Il futuro è determinato dalle scelte di oggi; dalla storia e dal cuore di ognuno di noi. Con passione ed entusiasmo, possiamo essere attori fondamentali per la scrittura del domani."

Davide Zinanni


Desirée Bonesi

"Tutto posso in Colui che mi dà la forza."

Desirée Bonesi

Sales Operations Analyst

Enrico Baci

"Make your positive impact on the world."

Enrico Baci

Data Analyst

Filippo Bria

"Innovation is only innovation when it’s sustainable."

Filippo Bria

Junior Innovation Consultant

Do you want to work with us?

We are always looking for talents for our team.
Send us a message with your CV attached.